"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."
— Franz Kafka
I love software design and development both frontend and backend, I have made mutiple consumer facing products in the past as hobbies and have found minor success in them. I am also heavily interested in game design and development as I am currently working on my own engine using C++ and Vulkan. I like to search for and use new technologies I find interesting and ponder about the implications of all things that emerge in this space.
I'm extremely optimistic about blockchain technology and everything it has to offer, I truly think at its zenith this will be something that will change the world greatly for the better. I am particulary boastful about the Cardano ecosystem because of their methodical approach to things and also everything they already got done. Because of this I have grown to find an interest in the functional programming paradigm, Haskell, and Plutus and hope to develop my skills to a point where I am able to do something great in this space soon.
I consider myself to be an extremely creative individual and this has led me to have a constant influx of seemingly grandiose ideas every year that I always wished I could realize. Because of this I've spent alot of time studing business and economics and even started two small commercial ventures myself during the pandemic. I feel as though the experience I have gathered and am currently gathering will enable me to bootstrap and manage much larger scale ventures in the future.